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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact Baker County!


Help us make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


Attend the Monthly Baker County Republican PCP meetings. 

In Oregon, there is a representative position known as the Precinct Committee Person (PCP). The PCP is a large driving force in the organization of local parties. Precinct Committee Persons (or PCPs) are the entry-level officials of the Oregon Republican Party (ORP.) They represent the people that live within their precinct to their county Republican Party.


Each PCP is a voting member of the Central Committee in their county party, and the Central Committee in each county is authorized to make all decisions relating to its county party. As a Republican PCP, you will be voting on official Party business such as your county bylaws, resolutions, as well as electing county Party leadership and Platform Convention delegates.


Becoming a volunteer will allow you to make connections in the local Republican Party, utilize your talents and improve your Baker County Republican Party.


Volunteering for the Republican Party is one of the easiest and most valuable ways that you can help your community. 

For registered members of the Republican Party there are many options including making phone calls, going door-to-door, volunteering on election days, helping at a campaign headquarters, helping register people to vote, volunteering at events and much more.

You can also support Republican candidates. You can volunteer to help with their campaign, place bumper stickers on your car and even place display signs in your yard.

Be sure to show up to vote as well!


Your financial contribution is always welcome.

There are a variety of ways your donations help; advertising for Republican candidates, direct financial support and contributions for our officials in their campaigns, providing materials for our volunteers in working on political and County related services, etc. 

Your donations are what it will take to change the course our country is on, and turn it around.

There are two ways to make a donation.

#1)By Check

Baker County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC)

Click the image below to Donate today

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